Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pure Love (for Ava)

Finally, I've learnt something
Something I'll never forget.
Something I'll always treasure
I've learnt to feel pure love.

This feeling runs through me
Makes me shiver all over
I look at your sleeping face
And I see pure innocence 

You are the essence of love
Untouched, totally unspoiled
I see you and you are at peace
You have no war with the world.

You only ask food and warmth
But something about you
Calls me to love you deeply.

I could never part from you
I would put my life on the line
If I knew I was saving yours

You are so beautiful and lovely
So untainted with knowledge
You know only sounds of love
The regular beat of my heart
The soft singing voice, so sleepy

You know nothing of hate or hurt
You are a vessel of pure love
Nothing is perfect, nor anyone
But you come closer than any.

You are God's greatest gift to me
You are the love I crave.
I've been fooled by false love

Fooled by my own thoughts
Fooled by words of others
But now it seems I've found it

I've found that which can't be found elsewhere
I've found it in you.
In You, I've found pure love.

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